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You're viewing Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Cheat Codes

Game Name : Guilty Gear XX Accent Core
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-03-31 11:04:38
Views : 22125

EX Ending Artwork
To unlock the EX ending artwork, finish Arcade mode with the respective EX Character.

Guilty Gear Generations
To unlock the Guilty Gear Generations versions of the characters, play the game for a total of 48 hours.

GG Mode: Characters move faster, do relatively more damage, and can Instant Kill opponents without needing to charge. Bursts, Roman Cancels, and Faultless Defense are unavailable. Characters have the ability to charge their tension by holding the Heavy Slash and Dust buttons.

GGX Mode: Bursts and False Roman Cancels are unavailable. Characters can Faultless Defense Cancel their attacks.

EX Characters
To unlock EX Characters, defeat the Shadow version of them in Survival mode. To select them, press Start on the Character select screen.

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